We created this video as an informative and fun holiday greeting. Have a watch and read more about the ideal temperature for sparkling wines in our guide.
What is the right temperature for Champagne?
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Whatever you’re celebrating, there’s a good chance bubbles are on the menu. These should be served ice cold, right? Wrong. In fact, the ideal serving temperature for sparkling wines might be lightly higher than you think.
How do you chill sparkling wine fast?
We know the holidays are a busy time, and sometimes the guests show up too early. We’ll address some of the ways to chill wine fast as well as their pros and cons.
What’s the right temperature for still wines?
Skipping the bubbly this time around? We’ve got you covered whether you’re serving red wine or white wine. There’s a perfect serving temperature range for whatever you’re pouring. Make the most of your wine and enjoy the full spectrum of aroma, flavor, palate, and finish.